Members Only

Calendar of Events
California Division UDC

Please do not publish the PASSWORD to our 'members only' area in your chapter newsletters or yearbooks. Chapter Presidents should send the PW directly to members via a separate email or by phone.  Newsletters particularly, are sometimes shared outside the organization.

The MEMBERS ONLY "area" is where you will find the calendar (below) links, flyers, forms, newsletters and information pertaining to the business of CA Division.

Keep in mind that not all members use the Internet and cannot access some of this material.  For that reason, please identify your older ladies who should still receive information and newsletters, and have a plan to include them by phone, email or mailed material. Consider annually gifting your older members with a yearbook or magazine subscription so they feel connected. 

The 2024-2025 yearbooks will be delivered to your Chapter President or representative at the Jan 11, Southern Luncheon.  Check with her as to how your chapter is delivering them to the individual members.  The Bylaws and Standing Rules addendum can be found on the "Forms and Help" link above or CLICK HERE.


2024 California Division Convention


(Make plans for next year - 3-4 Oct 2025)


    Convention is adjourned!

Congratulations to the newly elected board




11 Jan 2025 in Bakersfield
Doubletree Hotel

10:30 Social - 11:00 Meeting - 12 Noon Lunch
$50.00 per person

Download the FLYER for meal choices and payment instructions




Honor a Confederate Soldier by Adopting His Headstone

    This is a new, joint project for the care and upkeep of Confederate Soldiers' headstones here in California.  The program is called the "California Division Graves Guardian Program."   Volunteer participation can come from the SCV, UDC, CofC or the OCR.  Please look at the following flyers, and if you have further questions, contact Chris L., the CA UDC chairman.  Contact information and guidelines are on the downloadable flyers below.

    NOTE:  2 flyers require the CA Div password as they contain personal  contact information.  Click on the Bonnie Blue Flag to download.

"Who can participate - Rules and Guidelines"
"Application" to the Guardian Program 
 "How to properly clean and care for a marble headstone"





Please refer to the current yearbook for the full Division Calendar. The fiscal calendar of deadlines
 and events for 2023-2024 is now available as the new books were handed out at the luncheon.

Oct California Division Convention - adjourned.
31 Oct-5 Nov UDC General Convention in Richmond - details on the General website
11 Jan California Division Southern Luncheon - Bakersfield - Download/view FLYER


Join!  The California Division/Chapter Facebook Group (private and secure)

     Contact us
     Updated on 4 Jan 2025

Links to other websites from this site do not imply endorsement, approval, or concurrence by the General organization on any level.  The name of this organization is a registered trademark and may not be used without permission.

The name ‘United Daughters of the Confederacy’ is a registered trademark of the General Organization and may not be used outside the Organization without the express written consent of the United Daughters of the Confederacy. The official UDC insignia is a registered trademark of the General Organization and may not be used without the express written consent of the President General.